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Andy King
S3 licensed
Thanks Yisc, Need some help as adding to my PitBoard Driver & Gap in front and behind but stuck as to how to make it a NickName...

$Behind_NickName = getplayerinfo("UNameBehind");
$Behind_Gap = getplayerinfo("GapBehind");

Have I setup these up correctly?

Andy King
S3 licensed
It only shows the Top 25 of each car type and I have GTR as $DefaultTopCar = "GTR" so I get a total of 75 records. Is this anything to do with it....

IF ($list[$j,"PBLapTime"] > 3599000) THEN
$colpb = ((3600000 - $list[$j,"PbLapTime"]) / 10) . "/" . GetConfigVar("LapTimeUsedForPb") + langEngine("%{built_lapsdone}%");
$colpb = NumToMSH($list[$j,"PBLapTime"]);

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, how do I increase the number of records shown?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc that looks brilliant if it didn't have the DELETE Function in User Mode lol but will take a good look at it later. Thanks

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, I have added a 10 Min Temporary Licence System to my servers so if licencing system is ON drivers who haven't got a Licence on my Servers can take the 10 Min Temp Licence to get a FULL Licence meaning they can join in straight away and if they are any good will get Licensed withing a few laps and if not are spectated after 10 mins with No 2nd chances. Will do as a work around until I can access LSFW Data from Lapper.

On another note I have started putting together a !top / !near list but an stuck on how to fill the list, I can pull Date, PBLapTime, NickName etc etc from DB but can't work out how to make it a list as in when code gets to end of line it populates the next line. Can you throw any light on my issues please as searched but can't find anything specific and tried loads of bits found but nothing seems to work.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Dan, cheers for this. I have tried for ages to get the info I need AS3+FXR AS3+FZR AS3+XRR but all I get is "No LFS World PB for this criteria" and PubStat is set.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I would like to write the script for you, but currently it's not possible to use Lapper to get a PBLapTime for LFSW.
I could make a script checking the PB from your local database, but that would mean that people first need to get an opportunity to set a descent lap time.
Or Bass-Driver should try to add the option of retrieving a PBLapTime from LFSW using Lapper.

Hi Yisc, I already wrote a script to check my local DB but get new drivers to my Servers trying to join that can't even though they have amazing LFSW PB's so was trying to fix that issue. Cheers though.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, thanks for that and have saved Changes Log so I can search it first in future. I have had a look a your Delete Laptimes Script but its beyond me as I have forgotten loads. Would it be possible for you to write me a script that will check a LFSW UserName in FXR + FZR + XRR for a PBLapTime below lets say a 1:44:00 in any car and sets a SetUserStoredValue of say "Yes" that I can use in my Licensing System. I know its a big ask but would help me out loads and save me a huge headache lol.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, 2 more questions..

1) What does the following script do as its chucking errors which I have included...
SUB PstInfo($userName)
$currPly = getPlayerInfo($userName);
if($currPly == "") THEN
openPrivButton("Back",74,58,52,64,5,-1,ISB_DARK, "");
openPrivButton("PSNickName",75,59,50,5,5,-1,ISB_DARK, $currPly["NickName"] . " ^7(" . $currPly["PSCountry"] . ")");
openPrivButton("PSDistance",75,65,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_psdistance}%", strFormat("{0:0}", ToPlayerUnit($currPly["PSDistance"]/1000)),$currPly["UnitDist"]));
openPrivButton("PSFuel",75,70,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_psfuel}%", strFormat("{0:0}", $currPly["PSFuel"]/1000)));
openPrivButton("PSLaps",75,75,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_pslaps}%", $currPly["PSLaps"]));
openPrivButton("PSWins",75,80,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_pswins}%", $currPly["PSWins"]));
openPrivButton("PSSecond",75,85,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_pssecond}%", $currPly["PSSecond"]));
openPrivButton("PSThird",75,90,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_psthird}%", $currPly["PSThird"]));
openPrivButton("PSFinished",75,95,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_psfinished}%", $currPly["PSFinished"]));
openPrivButton("PSQuals",75,100,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_psquals}%", $currPly["PSQuals"]));
openPrivButton("PSPole",75,105,50,5,5,-1,ISB_LIGHT|ISB_LEFT, langEngine("%{main_pspole}%", $currPly["PSPole"]));
openPrivButton("pstclose",75,111,50,10,5,-1,ISB_DARK, langEngine("%{main_close}%"),ClosePstInfo);

SUB ClosePstInfo($KeyFlags,$id)

3/28/2019 10:46:02 PM -> Syntax error: in file ".\default\LFSLapper_1.lpr" at line #1106
'openPrivButton' parameter #7(ISB_DARK) is wrong type at line #
Function 'pstinfo' script aborted

2) Is it possible to check Drivers LFSW PB Laptime in FXR & FZR & XRR and if any of them are below a certain figure access is allowed. I have a script but $DefaultTopCar = "FXR" blocks FZR & XRR

Thanks for your help its appreciated
Andy King
S3 licensed
Cheers Yisc works perfectly

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Dan, "hostnamestripped" would be very useful when running more than 1 server

Andy King
S3 licensed
Cheers Dan got it now

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, sorry for late reply Mum taken ill, its was a capitalisation issue with the A in PosAbs lol.

I still can't work out how to get SHIFT+i working on my servers does anyone have any ideas plz.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, this also doesn't work.....

$Posabs = GetCurrentPlayerVar("PosAbs");

Any Ideas has it changed?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, give up can anyone help me with whats required in Lapper for SHIFT+i to work plz lol

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, thanks but Shift+i won't work on my Lapper for some reason but will look into it cheers.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, does that still work?


Yes it does sort of but only shows km/h which isn't my Unit Of Speed as its mph

Last edited by Andy King, .
Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Dan, I've fixed my script was missing $userName from OnSplit1($userName)etc etc lol.

Right onto SpeedTraps - got them working fine in km/h but my unit of speed is mph which they won't show in as ignoring my LFS Setting of mph how do I fix it with using tomph() please

$Speed_1 = GetCurrentPlayerVar("InstantSpeed");
$Speed_Unit_1 = GetCurrentPlayerVar("UnitSpeed");
$Speed_Best_1 = GetUserStoredValue("SpeedTrap_1");

cmdLFS("/msg " . $NickName . " ^2SpeedTrap 1 ^3= ^6" . $Speed_1 . " ^7" . $Speed_Unit_1);

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, whats changed as this won't work or am I missing something?


Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys is their a DELAY or WAIT feature in Lapper so I can send a Message to Restart Lapper with !Reload but then ask it to wait 10 seconds before it actually reloads?

Also can the IF command be used to include or exclude Include Files?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Dan, I don't think it likes ODD Numbered Nodes lol as changed both to Even and it started working.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :Check if the sub callback is right

Sub DisplaySpeed_1($userName,$NodeID)

The ID can be used to use multiple Zone/Node Actions within the same subcallback
RegisterNodeAction ("NodeID_01","AS1", 123, RadarTrap1, "" );
RegisterZoneAction ("ZoneID_01", "BL1", -40,123, 5 , RadarTrap1, "" );

Sub RadarTrap1($userName,$ID)
IF($ID == "NodeID_01") THEN

IF($ID == "ZoneID_01") THEN


This still won't work Dan doing my head in lol

Andy King
S3 licensed
Thanks Yisc
Has RegisterNodeAction been changed? as this won't work.....
RegisterNodeAction( "AS3" , 103 , DisplaySpeed_1 );
RegisterNodeAction( "AS3" , 447 , DisplaySpeed_2 );

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys what software do you use to edit Lappers Database?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, thanks matey I was using GetStoredValue instead of GetUserStoredValue damn lol

Thank You